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Planned exhibitions in 2020


December 6 2019 - January 19 2020
DancingArt exhibition by contemporary photographers! Opening 
ceremony on December 6 at Reök Palace. DancingArt works from
ballet to folk dance to many variations of contemporary dance
are on display. The portrayal of dance has fascinated artists
since ancient times, for a momentous, volatile moment has to
be captured for eternity.  Pictures from the REÖK and MANK
collective exhibition show the different emotions and moods
of a total of 45 photographers on the walls, capturing the
energy of steps and gestures as accurately as possible. The
exhibition of over 70 images will be available until January
19th. We warmly welcome all of you who are interested!

"Lét-közeli" művészet

February 1 - March 22.

Árpád Szabados- painter and graphic artist- has a great
career. The early stages of his art were characterized
by expressive works with strong emotional expressive power,
followed by surrealistic elements,the bordering, split
composition. The exhibition in REÖK shows more than 200
works by Árpád Szabados on two floors of the palace.
His works include paintings, graphics and linocuts.

Exhibition of Gabor Nagy
Gábor Nagy is a painter and graphic artist, who graduated
from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in 1973. In the 1970s,
he belonged to a group of early-stage painters who looking for
possible answers to new questions in painting as well.
Among other things, he was looking for a balance between
color and artistry. He also makes small wood sculptures;
newer sculptures are thematically related to pictures and drawings.

XVIII. Biennial
One of the most prestigious fine arts events of the summer
in Szeged is a cross-section of Hungarian contemporary painting.
The Army Review aims to provide a comprehensive and
credible picture of domestic panel painting, in a freelance
system, featuring works selected by the jury. For the seventh time,
the Reök Palace will host the high-profile event.

Exhibiton of Aatoth Franyó
July 24 - September 20.

The title is an important element of Tóth István's
(his artist name is AA Tóth Franyó) pictures.
The objects, creatures depicted have a symbolic meaning,
so the horses following each other endlessly,
represent the monotonous passing of time, while empty chair
is a symbol of power. He was born in Nyíregyháza,
mostly responds to current events and criticizes people
and society of his age with scornful works. In addition
to his paintings, he has also significant graphis works.

Exhibition of the Artist's Colony of Szeged
July 24- August 31
For more than two decades, the Artist's Colony of Szeged
has been the venue of hungarian contemporary artists to
present themselves. The list of participating artists shows
well-known names not only in Hungary, but also abroad.
From the very beggining- thanks to the progressive approach
of the Artists Colony- you can see famous artists's works
and beginner artists's work as well.

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